Friday, August 21, 2020

Tess Of D`Urbervilles Essay Example For Students

Tess Of D'Urbervilles Essay Tess Of D'UrbervillesIf composed today, Tess of the durbervilles by Thomas Hardy may have been calledJust Call Me Job or Tess: Victim of Fate. All through this frequently grim novel, thereader is constrained by Tesss situation to feel for the courageous woman (for lackof a superior term) as life gives her blow in the wake of frightening blow. One of thereasons that the peruser can do so might be the fatalistic methodology Hardyhas taken with the life of the fundamental character. Solid composes Tess as a casualty ofFate. This permits the peruser to not reprimand her for the things that happen aroundher. A significant part of the basic discussion encompassing Tess bases on this verypoint: Is Tess a casualty? Are the things that happen to Tess past her controlor might she be able to have battled out of her conditions? Even better, couldHardy have kept in touch with her out of her difficulties or did his fatalistic way to deal with thenovel drive him to eventually forfeit poor Tess? Fur ther, Is Hardys approachto the novel and its principle character genuinely fatalistic? In this paper, I willexplore these inquiries and the tenet of Fatalism as it applies to Tess. We will compose a custom article on Tess Of D'Urbervilles explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Passivity is characterized in Websters Dictionary as the regulation that all thingstake place by unavoidable need (175). Passivity is the possibility that allactions are constrained by Fate, a crude power that exists autonomous ofhuman wills and outside of the controls of intensity of a preeminent being, for example, Godbecause God eventually has no force; he is a making of man who conceded Him Hispower. Since He doesnt genuinely have those forces, he is left without theability to modify conditions. So, in the event that one buys in to this doctrine,you accept that Fate controls how things occur and God can do nothing to saveyou, even Tess. Generally speaking, Tess appears to experience life encountering one negativeevent after another. Portentous episodes, caught discussions and undeliveredletters neutralize her capacity to control the way her life takes. Tesssfuture appears bolted up from the earliest starting point of the novel. As the story opens, wefirst meet her dad and learn o f Tesss heritage: Durbeyfieldare thelineal agent of the antiquated and gallant group of the dUrbervillesthatrenowned knight who originated from Normandyif knighthood were genetic, similar to abaronetcy would be Sir John (4). By one way or another the peruser knows almostimmediately that this information isnt fundamentally going to spare the poor clan,especially once we learn of the Fate of Tesss predecessors: Where do wedUrbervilles live? asks Sir John to the parson who responds,You dont live anyplace. You are wiped out (5). In the event that one puts stock in theconcept of common choice, they most likely acknowledge rather rapidly that thisisnt the best family from which to dive. Tess appears to detect her doomedstate. This is confirm in her relationship with the dUrberville faction. Instances of this are her capacity to see or hear the dUrberville Coach and herrealization of her similarity to the dUrberville lady of the farmhouse atWellbridge: fine highlights were certainly recognizable in theseexaggerated structures (277). These scary occasions recommend that the fateddUrberville blood without a doubt moves through her veins. Another model ofTesss consciousness of being doomed is the point at which she meets Alec. Tess mourns abouther destiny: Had she seen this gatherings import she may have asked whyshe was bound to be seen and changed over that day by an inappropriate man, and not bysome other man, the privilege and wanted one in all regards (75). She may not haveknown what to call it, yet she certainly applies the regulation of Fatalism toherself which as indicated by creator Leonard Doob is an indication of a personwho feels destined: When the chief is making a decision about himself and accepts that destiny is influencing him, his discernment is usuallydir ect: he introspects, thinks, or ruminates. In any case, he may react by implication whensomeone else, an eyewitness,, gives him data about himselfFatalism by aprincipal, in this manner, is a skeptical certainty teaching applied by himabout himself to himself (7). In the event that Tess didnt start life feeling as thoughFate was neutralizing her, there are a lot of occurrences which could easilyconvince her: the passing of the family horse due to her carelessness, theletter of admission that slipped underneath the floor covering and made her enterinto marriage as a duplicity, the demise of her dad, and the arrival of Angeljust past the point of no return. Many occurrences appear to highlight just a single thing: Tess wasnot intended to have an upbeat presence. So does Tess accept that God can spare her?Throughout the novel, we see Tess moving endlessly from God. She is shocked by theevangelical sign-painter cautioning of condemnation and reveals to him that his teachingsare horriblec ursingkilling declining to accept that Godsaid such things (97). Afterward, understanding that God cannot support her, Tessprays to Angel admitting her new religion in a letter: It has been somuch my religion since the time we were hitched to be devoted to you in everythought and look (127). Indeed, even Angel appears to be mindful that God wont spare Tess,thinking as he left, But, may some say, where was Tesss watchman angel?Where was the provision of her basic confidence? Maybe, similar to that other god ofwhom the unexpected Tishbite talked, he was talking, or he was seeking after, or he wasin an excursion, or he was dozing and not to be awaked (93). Othercharacters appear to get tied up with Fate also. At the dairy, Angelchooses Tess over different dairymaids who love Angel as much as she does, butthe dairymaids cannot be distraught at Tess in light of the fact that it is Fate which has made thechoice: Are you certain you dont loathe me for it? said Tess in a lowvoiceI dont know I dont know, mumbled Retty Priddle. I need to despise ee;but I can't! That is the means by which I feel, resounded Izz and Marian (12). Nowwe go to the topic of whether Hardy could have spared Tess or if hebelieved that Fate had decided his decisions. There were risks all through thenovel for Hardy to offer Tess a reprieve and give her a break. He decided not to doso. Pundit Arnold Kettle consider this to be as a need: Tesss demise isartistically as unavoidable as JulietsShe is facing a social situationthat she can do nothing to determine aside from shockingly, with extreme humanloss (23). It appears that if Hardy somehow managed to have been consistent with his craft, he hadno decision however to slaughter poor Tess. It would be a mistake in analysis, in any case, toclaim point of fact that Fate is the key player in Tesss end. Indeed, Itis entirely simple to contend the opposite side of the coin. Hardys capitulation to the inevitable isextremely defective. When absolutely necessary , he frequently depends on occurrence to furtherbeat Tess down: Alec appearing at spare Tess after the gathering; his reappearanceas evangelist; the letter sneaking by the floor covering; Angel slugging a man thatturns up later as Tesss chief. One could contend this is each of the a piece tooconvenient. Pundit Dorothy Van Ghent appears to concur saying, We have allread or heard analysis of Hardy for his over the top dependence upon incident inthe the board of his narrativeshe has all the earmarks of being an excessive amount of the puppeteerworking wires or strings to cause occasions to fit in with his critical andfatalistic thoughts (56). Solid at last plays God in a novel where Godis missing and tosses negative conditions in places where they may not havebeen without his control. Be that as it may, you despite everything need to concede, all in all, ourpoor Tess still appears to be very destined. So is Tess and eventually Hardy responsiblefor the things that happen to our champion or is there something bigger workingagainst her? Pundit Leon Waldoff composes that It appears to be difficult to readthe novel with a total negligence of the possibility that Tess is by one way or another responsiblefor her fateThe portrayal is wherever buttressed by words, for example, doomed,destined, and destined. Be that as it may, the basic connecting is never made and one remainsuncertain concerning why Tesss destiny is unavoidable (135). That snapshot of doubtand the uncertain inquiry is the place the contention of Fatalism in Tess gains itsmomentum. One point that I feel must be made. Some contend, including my fellowclassmates, that it was fate that unite Alec and Tess. I would arguethat it isn't fate however Fate. Regularly utilized as an equivalent word for fate, Fatediffers marginally however fundamentally from the possibility of fate. Writer Leonard Doobexplains in his book, Inevitability, the contrast between the concepts:fate is related with fate, which for the most part has the equivalent negativeconnotationthere can be no delay that the head with a fataldisease will gave a negative experienceDestiny, on the other hand,frequentlyagain in no way, shape or form alwayssuggests favorable luck and is herewithassigned a relationship with beneficial outcome (7). I figure we can all agreethat Tess experiences an insufficiency of favorable luck so it must be Fate, notdestiny, that keeps on giving her a losing hand. There will in all probability neverbe concession to Tesss and Hardys capacity to change the result of the novel. .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 .postImageUrl , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797:hover , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797:visited , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797:active { border:0!important; } .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797:active , .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797:hover { haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8daeff3c9c813305e9b27f9fe9421797 .focused content region {

Monday, July 13, 2020

Are Your Boss and Colleagues Taking Advantage of Your Politeness 4 Simple Indicators to Find Out

Are Your Boss and Colleagues Taking Advantage of Your Politeness 4 Simple Indicators to Find Out Do you often find yourself being overly polite to the point that your coworkers constantly request favors from you?Are you fed up of being the “nice person” in the office that everyone gets to share their sad stories with? There is a fine line between politeness and being taken for granted.While the former helps you gain a reputation at work, the latter makes you a helpless hostage when faced with the option of helping someone out even if you’ve got your own things to do.So how exactly do you guard your sacred space and prevent people from taking advantage of you? Well, that’s exactly what we are here to learn.WHY BEING “TOO NICE” AT WORK CAN BACKFIREEvery workplace has the usual shy individuals who win their colleagues over by offering a helping hand frequently. Unfortunately, the workplace is also like the jungle, where the strong prey on the meek and where kindness is translated into getting free work done for your co-workers.Just when things couldn’t get any worse, your boss storms into your room and dumps a large batch of files on your desk and asks you to get the job done before the weekend.And with that, you’ve just canceled your weekend plans while you see all your colleagues with their smiles walking past your cubicle with their weekend party hats on.Does it seem fair? Of course not. But what choice do you have to save your job?To eliminate this vulnerability of being taking advantage of, first begin by tweaking your personality.By being stern and confident, don’t worry about coming off as an overbearing and arrogant individual. Having your own opinion shows that you know right from wrong and it immediately causes your colleagues and bosses to stop taking advantage of you and move on to a more vulnerable target. Overly Polite Individuals are IndecisiveWhen polite people are asked by their colleagues if they would have lunch with them, their usual replies are â€" “Sure, I don’t mind” or “Of course, I’d love to”.Even when th ey don’t wish to spend their time with others or if they are planning to do something important. Overly polite individuals believe that if they refuse an offer, they would come off as rude and that would mean losing the friendship of others.This is far from the truth.When you accept a proposal even when you don’t feel like it, the only thing happening is creating an indecisive personality within you.Soon, it transforms into a prolonging habit to refuse people favors even if you’re in no position to fulfill them.Take, for example,Your coworker has a large loan to pay off. She comes to you as she knows that you’d never refuse a favor when asked. She requests a cash amount of $4000. Unfortunately, you are unable to say “No” due to your indecisive mindset and further, your mind beckons you to help your coworker in need. You reassure her and proceed to give her the money that you saved for years. By not considering your own life problems, you’ve made a terrible decision by giving out money that you worked hard for just because of your inability to deny others a favor. Now, let’s analyze the worst-case outcome â€" if your colleague quits her job and with no formal contract on the loan amount, your money is in danger of being lost forever. The other solution is to continue following up for your money frequently. Overly polite people never follow up as regularly as they should as they believe they’d hurt the feelings of others by constantly reminding them of their dues.The above case demonstrates how politeness is a deception and how you’re forced to nod your head in approval every time someone asks for a favor.Don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted. Practice the art of saying “No”.The Science Behind How Politeness is Distinct From CompassionStop trying to impress others with the things that you own. Instead, inspire them by the way that you live â€" UnknownWe all like the approval of our peers. It’s a great feeling to be talked about in conversations and to win their trust. However, trying hard to win the attention of those you admire will likely cause you to be a pest in their life. Overly polite individuals usually change their opinions to match those of the people they are trying to impress.They’ll laugh at jokes that aren’t funny to gain the stamp of approval.By doing so, you cause others to be suspicious of you. Every time you enter the office, you’ll be the office clown talked about in whispers due to your attention seeking personality. At the end of the day, you’ll never set out to achieve what you wanted â€" to win the approval of everyone in your office space.In a study conducted to understand psychological behavior, a few researchers came together to ask people with varying personalities to split their money with anonymous individuals. Out of all the personalities, the overly polite people were more likely to share their money with their “not-so-polite” counterparts.The study proved that o verly polite people didn’t really think their decision through and would just go the distance to please people even if it had an emotional overbearing on their minds.So how polite should we really be?While it’s alright to empathize with your coworkers, it’s also necessary to assess your own situation before going ahead and accepting their proposal.There isn’t a single social rule that states denying your colleague a favor makes you a bad person. It only makes you a person unable to fulfill their request at this present moment due to the lack of personal resources.Understanding the difference between politeness and compassion may be the most important discovery node for overly respectful citizens.Remember, if you aren’t personally harming them, there isn’t a negative effect by denying favors to them.3 BEHAVIORAL SIGNS TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR EXTREME POLITENESSBeing polite is often considered one of the nicest traits for a human being to possess. A polite person usually assess es the situation and takes the backseat when needed without hogging the spotlight. However, what happens when the “backseat” becomes your home for the rest of your professional life?Being too polite is a recipe for disaster. With no one to acknowledge your politeness and reciprocate the same emotion back to you, you’ll begin to resent all your co-workers and even your boss can seem like the devil running the show.Now the big question â€" How exactly does one know the difference between being polite and demonstrating an excessive polite attitude in the workplace? These 3 signs will demonstrate if you’ve crossed the boundary of being overly polite or not.1. Withholding your OpinionsHuman beings have brittle hearts and let’s face it, frequently we are forced to listen to nasty words only to reply with a smile. It’s one thing to compose yourself when you take an artillery fire from your boss for not being able to complete your project but it’s not okay to listen to your co lleagues sit and offer their negative opinions on you. Stuff like â€"You won’t make it past this month in this job.Your skills are highly ineffective, please quit. Youre wasting your time here. Statements like these are quite common to hear in the workplace but when you hide behind a veil of politeness, it only makes the situation that much worse. You’ll be the giant magnet for all jokes uttered in the office.Your office mates will come up with new ways to harass you, the more silent you remain and eventually, you’ll have a mental breakdown and quit.Was it all worth it to remain polite and smile at their insults? No, it wasn’t.That’s why the next time you are confronted by a rude demeaning coworker, be straightforward and ask them to mind their business or you’ll be filing a harassment claim with the Human Resources team.Also, when faced with the dilemma of providing your honest opinion about your coworkers with a senior manager.Be honest and notify them the harassment b eing faced immediately.You’ll not only be the savior of the workplace, but you’ll be well respected by all the new recruits.2.  Pressure of Conducting Favors for OthersOne of the most common forms of being taken advantage in the workplace is when you’ve been doing less of your work and more work for your colleagues.Polite individuals are taken for a ride the moment they demonstrate their passive side in the workplace. Instantly, you are marked with a title that reads “Willing to do favors at any cost”. Just imagine carrying that signboard everywhere you go within the office, ridiculous, isn’t it? But that’s exactly how your colleagues see you as.Ask yourself the following questions to get an idea if you’ve been doing favors past your generosity.Have you done two or more favors for the same colleague in the same month?Do you find yourself being neglected by your colleagues all the time except when there are favors needed by them?Are you finding it difficult to say “ No” to someone when they ask you for a favor?Do you find yourself working the most in the office in a single work week?Do you feel like you’ve made no friends even after being extremely friendly and polite in over 2 months of joining?If you’ve answered yes to at least two of the following questions, you certainly demonstrate the signs of an overly polite person.Remember, for every favor that you perform, you lose time that you’ll never get back and you’ll waste energy that could be used to concentrate on your own work.You sacrifice your overall productivity to achieve someone else’s goals. Soon when it’s your turn to shine in the spotlight, guess what?The whole office will be nominated for the position that you wanted as their work records are perfect, thanks to your generosity.3. Feeling of Powerlessness Irritability Now that you’ve put your needs on the backburner and prioritized everyone else in the office, you obviously lack any self-esteem to live your life nor mally.At home, you spend 30 minutes daydreaming about the incident at the office. Replaying it in your mind and feeling irritable.You had promised yourself you wouldn’t let anyone else step on your feelings or use your valuable time as their own, yet you didn’t follow through with your courage and it’s brought down your overall self-confidence to rock bottom.If you’re feeling constantly stressed and irritated with yourself at office for no good reason, the lack of self-confidence in doing the “right thing” could be holding you down. While your mind knows it’s wrong, you feel powerless to confront the people that anger you.In fact, a study conducted by Cornell University demonstrates that individuals who neglect to be upfront about their situation usually end up with “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. The syndrome is characterized by symptoms of depression and exhaustion all the time. The subjects that were tested reported having suicidal thoughts during their lowest point of the day.Do you really feel being polite is worth ending a precious life? If you ever suffer from chronic exhaustion or feel depressed all the time and fear the workplace, it’s necessary to visit a psychiatrist and seek help immediately. Workplace harassment is a cause of worry and not a light topic of debate.Always confront your harassers in any form and you’ll save yourself from years of pent-up stress. 4 INDICATORS THAT YOUR OFFICE MATES BOSS ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOUR POLITENESS WAYS TO DEAL WITH THE ORDEALNot every opportunity that presents itself is a career-boosting one. Especially not if the indicators demonstrate that your work colleagues and boss always land at your desk with a favor in mind.Working hard in these circumstances doesn’t do much for your career.On the contrary, you’ll be prioritizing their work over yours and it can severely affect the outcome of your productivity in the long run.Here are 4 common ways where you’ll find yourself in a pickle o f a situation and the answers to how to get out of them without sounding rude.1. Working OvertimeIn our professional lives, we’ve at some point or the other been subjected to unacceptable behavior by our seniors who make us work beyond our work hours and with absolutely no additional pay. While working overtime can be a personal responsibility to finish up with your pending projects, it can’t be a substitute for your boss to get his work done through your time.So how do you say “no” without sounding arrogant?Let’s take the below scenario and answer this problem.Scenario:Boss: Hi [Your Name]. I’d like you to do something for me and finish up this paperwork if you’ve got the time after work. I’ll put in a good name for you at the next month’s board meeting and there might be a sweet promotion in it for you.AnalysisThe good old “bribing the employee with a promotion” method.   A classic!In this scenario, your boss politely asks you to complete some additional work with “no pay” of course for a terrific deal at making it up the ranks of the promotional ladder. At first, this feels like a deal of the lifetime. I mean to be offered a promotional chance for doing some extra hours is unbelievable. You’ll automatically be forced to accept it because by some lucky stars you’ve just gotten a golden opportunity.Wrong!The only reason you’ll be promoted is for the work you do and how you’re able to handle your responsibilities. Have you ever heard of anyone in your life that has been promoted because they did a few hours of additional work? That’s just crazy!The Right AnswerYou: “I’m sorry, Sir. But I’ve got a lot of workload on my table and would like to concentrate on it. In fact, the time frame provided to me isn’t enough and I’d like to go home and think of a possible solution. Also, I’d like to get some possible rest as the entire week has been rough on me. Your boss will have to excuse you and choose another candidate on the list to get his work done. You left him with no option since your answer had no real holes to pick on. You need the rest and you only want to concentrate on the work you’ve got on your table. Promotion isn’t really on your mind.Another answer that’s great if you feel a flat refusal won’t do is to diffuse the situation in a tricky way such as.You: “I’d love to get your work done but currently I have a lot going on in my personal life. If we could postpone this to a future date, I’d be able to help you out.” This allows you to show that you’ve got the friendly demeanor in check, but you don’t really want to perform the work currently. Your boss will mostly get the work done by someone else and you’ll still gain the brownie points.2. Accepting Additional ResponsibilitiesFor the last time, accepting additional responsibilities doesn’t shift the spotlight on you for career advancement.The only time you’ll ever advance in your career by accepting more respon sibilities is if you’ve already learned all there is to learn in your job and are looking to make a huge leap.In that case, you’ll need to approach your seniors and demonstrate why you need an advancement.Don’t just perform all your colleague’s responsibilities while they end up at a fancy dinner ball while you’re left burning the midnight lamp at the workplace.By accepting an additional responsibility from your colleague, there are some guaranteed perks in it for you such asNetworkable clienteleUnderstanding the ropes required for a different jobBuilding your current job’s strengthsAdditional incomeA favor to ask back when the time is rightIf the additional responsibility has nothing to do with the above perks, you’re probably going to be doing meaningless work that isn’t accounted for.It’s like working at a community center, except you aren’t doing any community service and your work friend is just taking advantage of your politeness.Still, don’t see it?Let†™s demonstrate with an examplePicture yourself working at a premier bank in the city. You work in the personal account section and your day-to-day responsibilities are to manage personal bank accounts of individuals. Now let’s say you have a minimum target achievement of attracting 50 new customers to open personal accounts every month and you’re barely able to meet the minimum requirements.Your friend from the insurance section has the same 50 targets but to sell insurance to her clients. She decides to pitch in a plan and convince you to talk to your customers about opening an insurance account with the bank and refer her name as you pitch your personal account plan. She continues to state, “It’s just 2 minutes of your time and you’ll be doing me a huge favor”. At first, you accept her request because you’re simply helping a friend out by spending 2 minutes with your clients to talk about the insurance policy. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself completing her target of 50 for her on your time while your own minimum target begins to suffer. This is because you’re the only one pitching the work for her, she isn’t reciprocating the good deed with her own clients by referring personal accounts back to you. Do you see where we are going with this?Not all additional responsibilities add a positive impact to your career. These side projects just slow your overall responsibilities down. If you’ve got the time to help a work colleague, do it once and ensure you receive the same good deed back when you’re in need. Remember the famous quote “A friend in need is a friend indeed” if you are the only one doing the hard work in this friendship, the word “friend” holds no value.3. Allowing Personal Credit to Be StolenPower grabbing is a term used when your sales idea gets stolen by your team/boss with absolutely no credit linking back to you. In realistic terms, it’s like writing a 20-page essay for your school project only to have th e school bully snatch it off your hands and put his name on it.Unfortunately, not many stand up for this type of abuse and allow their peers and seniors to steal their glory. All because of a silly thing called “politeness”.In a survey conducted by Andy Harrington on over 1000 working professionals. 69 percent of them have had their idea stolen regularly by either their colleagues or bosses.The survey further found out that most of the respondents felt miserable and were close to quitting their jobs.Most of them even replied that it affected their productivity greatly as they felt angry towards their stolen glory and hence, prevented themselves from working at their best.Here are 3 Distinct Ways to Prevent This Inner Backlash From HappeningDon’t pitch your entire ideaNever ever discuss a project with someone you deem to be unreliable. If you happen to be someone that trusts others easily, don’t share your professional ideas to anyone in your office without a valid reason.An idea isn’t office gossip.What you have could be worth millions and if it falls in the wrong hands, you’re at risk of having your idea stolen.Here’s a billion-dollar example of a worthwhile sales idea.Two famous companies â€" Twitter and Craigslist were 2 business ideas that were initially side projects of their respective owners while working at different firms. Imagine what would happen if these billion-dollar ideas were to become the vision of a corrupt colleague that the owners decided would be great to discuss on a Saturday lunch?If you’ve got a sales pitch make sure there are a team of people listening when pitching it in, so you’ve got someone to vouch for you. If your boss decides to have a private conversation on your idea, it’s important to discuss bits and pieces without revealing the entire plan. Just provide a blueprint of the idea but not the overall idea. Document Your Entire IdeaHaving pre-existing records of your project on paper and on online storage dri ves is a great way to safeguard your idea. This way the boss will think twice before announcing the idea as his own when he must reveal the white paper to the entire team.You’ll also have full access to how you planned the entire idea when the necessity arises and will be credited appropriately as the brain behind the idea. Filing your ideas every time a single phase is complete is a good way to counter others from stealing your ideas.Take for example ­â€"You’ve got an excellent input on how to launch the latest smartphone for your company. The boss loves your idea and when he asks for a detailed breakdown you can simply share your Google Worksheet and then forward it to all your relevant colleagues that are working on the product. This way, your boss will never think of stealing your idea as everyone will have a copy and know that you’ve been the mastermind behind it. A One-on-One TalkOne of the biggest mistake employees commit when their idea or vision is stolen is to keep quiet about it. Ensure you point out the mistake to your boss or colleague on why the idea meant the world to you and how much work you put into it.Pointing out their mistake while using statements such as the below given ones will make them see the mistake from their side.“The idea was something I came upon over months of brainstorming. It really hurts when the company I am committed to doesn’t show credit towards it.” Or“I’d like to get a load off my mind as I am unable to concentrate on my work. The project that was launched last month had no mention of my name even though I had provided valuable input. It’s discouraging to know that months of my work has gone uncredited for. I’d like to know your reason for doing that.”Confronting your boss doesn’t always have to be rude, the above statements make it quite clear that you’re deeply disturbed by having your ideas stolen. If your boss understands you he’ll immediately put your name on the project and credit yo u for your contribution, if not, it’s time to shift your workstation to a new company.4. Waiting for a Promotion ForeverHave you been promised to receive a bump up the ranks in your professional career by your boss? Before you jump the gun and begin feeling exhilarated about the entire fiasco, it’s necessary to fully grasp the situation and understand if you’re really getting a promotion or have been baited into working harder for the company.Being polite can get in you in a hurdle of sorts. You could be waiting forever for that promotion while your peers around you move past you in ranks. Ultimately, you’ll feel the crushing weight of feeling used by your seniors and all for the promise of a promotion that is never going to come.Here are Three Signs to Know if You’re Being Taken Advantage of When a Promotion is in the TalksDeadlineAlways be mindful of the duration between the time you were promised a promotion to the time you are expecting one. Usually, if you’re gettin g promoted, your boss would have plenty of meetings with you to fill you up on your new job role. If none of this seems to happen and weeks become months, then you’ve probably been baited into a promotional dream.A promotional dream is where you think you’re receiving a promotion but in fact are just made to work harder to secure your promotion. A deadline will help clear up the promotional dream by giving you the right amount of patience to wait and not a minute longer.Say, you’ve been promised a promotion in May, if you’ve been waiting till October for it, you’ve just latched their bait. Always follow up in a month’s time to see where things are. Ensure you follow up week after week after a month has passed to really push the word in and embed it into your boss’s mind.While slow and steady usually wins the life race, it’s just not worth waiting for in the professional race. Be the rabbit and claim your spot!ContributionsDo you believe your last project that you com pleted played a large role in the company’s success?If yes, you’re doing great injustice to your job role by limiting yourself to your current professional state. You’re valuable to the company and everyone knows it. By asking for a slice of the pie, you aren’t leaving the sanctity of the ground below to touch the clouds. In short, asking for what you’re worth â€" money or promotion â€" is a necessary stepping stone in every professional’s life.Despite all your contributions if you still feel there has been no recognition or salary bump in the last few months, you’re being used by your company for their own selfish needs. It’s time to walk into your boss’s office and display all the contributions that you’ve brought for the company.Your accomplishments should make it clear why you need a salary raise and if they don’t, well they just stand to lose a valuable employee.Minimum TimeNo matter where you work across the globe, the minimum time required for any compan y to promote their workers is about 18 months to two years. If you haven’t been promoted in this time, it’s time to look out for a new company that values your time and efforts.Your senior management will begin to think you’re too polite to ask for a promotion and will continue to have their way with you.Here’s an explanation on what the minimum time frame that you’ve worked for means according to the BBC statistics.Less than eight months ­â€" Considered a terrible work employee due to non-commitment to a company for even a yearA full year â€" Depending on your contributions in this duration, you might get promoted but the chances are low.Eighteen months to 2 years â€" Your chance of being promoted is extremely high and it’s considered a good time to move up the ranksThree years and above â€" Unless you’re a severe underachiever or an extremely polite worker, there’s really no reason for you to be in the same job role for more than 48 months.FINAL THOUGHTS ON BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF AS A PROFESSIONAL BY YOUR PEERSThere’ll always be a reason for your colleagues and boss to take advantage of you if you’ve let your defenses down.Sometimes, it might be a necessity to do the extra work but most times you can counter back with a blatant “no” if your colleagues request you to get their work done.Remember, it’s always necessary to work smarter and not harder to accomplish your career goals.You’ve been doled out the same set of problems that others have, it doesn’t make it ok for others to use your politeness to get their way with it. Set up a clear stop sign and deny any form of negative assistance.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

E-Commerce Maturity Model (Compariosn of Four Models)

Contents Introduction 2 Wrycza et al. s Research (2007) 3 Rao et al. s research (2003) 5 Prananto et al. s research (2004) 7 Alonso Mendo and Fitzgerald s research (2005) 9 The usefulness of using E-Commerce Maturity Model (ECMM) 11 Conclusion 14 Reference 14 Introduction In today s economy, organisations try to gain strategic and operational advantages over other competitors in their industry because of the rapid advance of technology and globalisation. Companies can have great opportunities to sell their products to new customers, to buy cheap raw materials from new suppliers and to have new business partners in other countries via internet. Therefore, many organisations have introduced E-business as†¦show more content†¦Figure 1. The adoption of a stage model by Pomeranian SMEs (Wrycza et al., 2007) However, the survey also indicates that there is awareness of using the contingent model with technology parks, which bring the innovative e-business concepts, as the central figure. The stage model in this article clearly classifies the level of e-business maturity into five stages from internet access to digital ecosystems. It will provide a future roadmap of e-business development to SMEs which do not especially have theoretical or technical expertise in e-business. For IS/IT mangers and senior management, even though they do not have expertise related to e-business, they can easily understand this simple model and have a blueprint for the future (Parnanto et al., 2003). Moreover, Figure 1 indirectly shows that the e-business adoption of SMEs follows the ladder shaped (staged) model. However, this stage model is oversimplified. Target audiences, such as IT managers, CIO and CEO, can not know in detail when they are able to move to the next stage, which conditions should be satisfied to go forward and which barriers they might face in their movement. Mehrtens et al (2001) stresses that there are three important factors, which can influence SMEs decision making in internet adoption, including perceived benefits, organisational readiness and external pressures. When companies are aware of current benefits

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

If I DidnT Grow Up In The Middle Class . Growing Up In

If I Didn t Grow Up in the Middle Class Growing up in the city of Brook Park, a nice little suburb located in northeast Ohio. I never really imagined how life could be differently if I grew up in a different social class. Up to this point in my life, my family has mainly been a middle class family. Money isn t thrown around in my family like its nothing, but we ve had a very good living style due to the hard work of my parents. Many times growing up my parents always told me to be grateful for what we have and to never complain because there s people out there who would love to have what we have as a family. If I lived in the poverty living level instead of the middle class, the social part of my life would be different in many†¦show more content†¦As a child I was lucky enough to have this experience with my family but I may not have had this opportunity if it wasn t for growing up in the middle class. Vacations are very expensive, especially when they are only a week long and families spend thousands of dollars on them. That would be a lot of extra money for families to come up with, especially families who aren t in the higher low class or middle class and annual income per adult averages between $18,000-$30,000 per year.(Cliffsnotes) Not having those vacation experiences would be a huge loss and I wouldn’t have had some of my best childhood experiences with my family. Show me your friends, I ll show you your future. This quote is one of my favorite quotes of all time, which I heard from a speech given by Jim Tressel.I ve been surrounded around great friends my whole life, and I believe they take a big part in why I have a pretty bright future. They have always been great influences around me, and are always telling me what the right and wrong things are to do. Friends are like a second family to most people, if you aren t with your family your with you friends. Its very important to have a good stable friend group that help lead you into the right path. Growing up in my town there was the fair share of drugs and violence but not as bad as some neighborhoods where the price of living is low. If I were to grow up in a different social class, I could have been raised up in town where crime and drugsShow MoreRelatedMy Most Formative Memories Of The South1273 Words   |  6 PagesI was raised in the south nestled in a small town outside of an even sma ller city in North Carolina. Growing up in the south was an education on it’s on. For starters, I was not short of discipline. I realized that a lot of my friends’ parents just â€Å"negotiated† with them from age two and beyond. This is not acceptable in the south. One of my most formative memories is being popped in the mouth by my grandmother in front of the entire line at Winn-Dixie because I called her a name - one that rhymesRead MoreSelf Perception800 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom cultural aspects. 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Management of People at Work Free Essays

Social Inventions of groups of people working to achieve their goals 2. Goal Accomplishment- Individual assembled to achieve goals that cannot be done by one man alone 3. Group Effort– By combining as a team, they can thus work efficiently to achieve goals What is Organizational Behavior? Attitudes and behaviors of individual and group in organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Management of People at Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Involves systematic study of these attitudes and behaviors, and should be of interest to all students of management Why study ABHOR? 1. It is interesting 2. It Is Important as It helps us be more efficient . Makes a difference because good companies are the one practicing It ABHOR goals 1. Predicting People’s Behavior – Predicting what people wants to do in work life 2. Explaining Behavior- Explain why people work in different way 3. Managing it- The art of getting things accomplished via others. If It can be predicted, It can be managed Early Prescription 2 phases to pursue correct way to manage organization 1. Sass, managers believe high specialization of labor, intensive coordination, centralized decision making to solve issue (Classical View- Authoritative) 2. Hawthorne Studies ?Human relations movement was critique of classical management and bureaucracy that advocated management styles that were more participative and oriented toward employee needs (Participative) Contingency Approach This approach recognize there Is no best method depends on situation- No best method What Managers do? 1. Managerial Roles vary with management level and organizational technology 2. Interpersonal Roles- Roles that are used to establish and maintain interpersonal relations. Figurehead roles and spokesperson roles 3. Decisional Roles- Makes decision and the negotiator role Managerial Activities 1. Routine communications (Exchange Info, handle paperwork with people) 2. Traditional Management (Planning, Decision Making) 3. Networking (Socializing, politicking) 4. Human Resource Management (Managing Conflict, Staffing, training and development) One of the most fascinating findings is how emphasis on these various activities relates to management success. People who promote faster tends to do more networking and less human resource management. However, if success is successful managers are those who devote more time and effort to human resource management and less networking. Managerial Agendas Successful Managers has similar patterns via – Agenda Setting, Networking and Agenda 1 . Agenda Setting- Managers tend to develop agendas of what they want to accomplish for organization. Usually Informal unwritten, more concerned with ‘people issues’ and less numerical than most formal strategic plans 2. Networking- Managers established wide formal and informal network of key people inside and outside of organization to ensure cooperation inside and outside. 3. Agenda implementation- Managers use networks to implement agendas. They will go anywhere to obtain assistance. Managerial Minds Intuition- Problem identification and solve issues in a systematic manner International Managers- National Culture is one of the most important contingency variables with more ideas Contemporary Management Concerns 1. Diversity Local and Global-With more diversity, people need to be treated fairly and equally so that issues can be solved 2. Employee- Organization Relationship – Downsizing, Restructuring engineering have been having lots of consequences of employees, lower Job satisfaction, lower morale, trust ETC. ABHOR states its important that managers can manage these issues positively 3. Focus on quality, Speed and Flexibility – Increasing competition states Organizations have to do things faster because there is a greater need for quality, speed and flexibility to maintain standard 4. Employee Recruitment and Retention- Organizations find it difficult to sustain skilled employees in their workforce. Lack of skilled labor is a big issue for organizations and its expected to get worse as baby boomers begin to retire. Recruitment process then has to be more effective to find these employees Personality and Learning Personality – Stable set of psychological characteristic that influence the way individual interact with his or her environment. It is reflected in the way people react to other people, situations and problems. Personality and Organization behavior Individuals possess stable traits or characteristic. Interactions approach, ABHOR is a function of dispositions and situation. 5 Factor model of Personality Extroversion/Neurotics/Agreeableness/Conscientiousness/Openness to Experience Evidence state that big 5 is related to Job performance. High conscientiousness is related to performance for all occupations and the best predictor of performance of all big 5. It is also related to motivation, Job satisfaction and career success Locus of Control- Beliefs that one’s behavior is controlled by external force or internal Self Monitoring- Attitude of being aware of surrounding or not -High self monitors tend to be more involved in Jobs and to perform at a higher level. These Jobs usually includes sales, law, public relations and politics Self Esteem by surroundings. Higher Self Esteem tend to view world more optimistically. Proactive Personality- Positive affectively tends to report world as having less stress Greater Self-Efficacy – Trait that refers to individual belief that in his own capability to do well regardless of situation. They tend to have higher Job satisfaction, higher Job performance. Core Self Evaluation- Self Esteem/Self-Efficacy/Locus of control/ neurotics What is Learning? When practice or experience leads to a permanent change in behavior. We assume that learning has occurred when individual behavior change. 4 types- Practical/ Interpersonal/elementariness/Cultural Awareness 4 types -Job Specific Skills/ Knowledge/ Technical Competence Operant Learning Theory- Subjects learns to operate on environment to achieve certain consequences. Operant Leaning can be used to increase or reduce probability of behavior Increasing the Probability of Behavior Promoting behavior is reinforcement?By which Stimuli strengthen behaviors. 2 Behaviors are – Positive reinforcement/Negative reinforcement Positive Reinforcement- Increase or maintain probability of some behavior, this sends to be pleasant stimuli Negative Reinforcement- Increase or maintains probability of some behavior by removing them in the situation. Tends to be unpleasant experience Organizational Errors Involving Reinforcement 1. Confusing Rewards with Reinforces – Stating why rewards are given clearly 2. Neglecting Diversity in Preference for Reinforces -Provide the right benefits- Workaholic may not like holidays 3. Neglecting Important sources of reinforcement – Feedback is good to let people know how well or bad they have done 4. Reinforcement strategies Reducing Probability of Behavior 1. Extinction- Limiting bad attitudes e. G- shorter breaks etc 2. Punishments – Provide punishment deduct pay etc 3. Using punishments effectively?Make sure punishment is truly aversive/punish immediately/do not reward behaviors before/after punishments 4. Do not punish desirable behavior Punishments can be effective to stop unwanted behavior and hence extinguish unwanted response. Reinforcing good behaviors is better than punishing bad behaviors Social Cognitive Theory Human behavior can be best explained through system of triadic reciprocal . Albert Bandeau social cognitive theory involves 3 parts 1. Modeling – Copying others behavior, some can learn by copying others 2. Self-Efficacy- beliefs people have on their ability to successfully perform the task. 3. Self-regulation- Regulating oneself 1. Organizational behavior modification – Systematic use of learning principles – Can use all 3, money positive feedback to improve returns 2. Employee Recognition Program – Publicly recognize employees- how to recognize, type of behavior encouraged, manner of public acknowledgement, token of recognition 3. Training program – Positive effect on learning, skills and Job behaviors help to set goals when rewards sanctions used in trainees work environment 4. Career Development – Individual progress through a series of stages which involves certain plans and management component. Perception- Interpreting messages of our sense to provide order and meaning of environment. Most important perception that influence organizational behavior are the perceptions of each other Components of Perception 1. Perceiver – Experience/motives/emotions can affect perception 2. Target – Ambiguity or lack of target leads of greater need of interpretation of information 3. Situation 1. Social Identity Theory?People form perceptions of themselves based on characteristics based on gender, religion, nationality, religion etc. 2. Model of the Perceptual Process – Initially less cues of information from the target but as time passes, it becomes clearer and easier to decipher messages 3. Basic Biases in Person A. Primary Regency Effect – Form impressions of others fairly quickly. We tend to read a lot into first impressions. B. Reliance on Central Traits- We read into others behavior based on their initial impressions C. Implicit Personality Theories- We organize our perceptions of others around the presence of certain traits or personal characteristics of others that are particular interest to us D. Projection?If we are always honest, people tend to believe we are honest E. Stereotype- Putting players into a certain category to Judge their behavior (Page 13) 1. Consistency Cues- How consistent to his goals 2. Consensus Cues- How his actions deviate from social expectations tell us more about his behavior 3. Distinctiveness Cues- How How to cite Management of People at Work, Essays

Friday, April 24, 2020

Travel Tech Security

Prevention and appropriate response strategies are some of the measures that can be taken to deal with loss of data or electronic devices. However, there are other tools and safety mechanisms that can be applied. It is important to be aware of some of the dangers that people are exposed to when they travel and how they can avoid losing data and devices. Some of these risks have been brought about by the rapid technological developments. It is easy for travelers to lose their electronic devices lost or even having them stolen while they travel.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Travel Tech Security specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Theft cases of traveller’s luggages at the airports have increased in the recent past. Other portable devices such as laptops, phones, cameras and tablets have also been targeted by thieves. Their small size makes it easy for thieves to pick them either from bags or the owners. In a ddition, they return quick money for thieves and store sensitive and confidential information. For example, it is likely for smartphones to contain apps like notes or email apps that carry information about passwords and other services or log-in data. If thieves gain access to such information and a credit card, then they can steal money from the account of the victim. They can also use the information to steal one’s identity. It would be unbelievable for individuals to travel to a different country without information that they cannot enter into the country because their identity has been stolen. It is surprising that the identity of an individual can be stolen so easily by people with bad intentions. The procedure is not necessarily stealing information from the electronic devices. They could be cases of fake booking sites, keystroke readers in cyber cafes and risky WI-FI. Thieves can access private and confidential details in different ways. Individuals should not be afrai d of hardcore criminals only in terms of data security. They should also be careful enough to identify suspicious individuals who might gain access to their private information. Sensitive information should always be kept private (Mickaiel 4). Loss of data and communication devices is an important concern in Information Systems Profession. This is because the profession focuses on electronic data storage and transfer. Data security therefore becomes an important concern. With the advent of technology, methods of data storage have changed significantly. This implies that professionals in the field of Information Systems must look for ways of preventing loss of data and portable electronic devices. In addition, they should come up with ways of recovering data in case of loss. One of the most effective ways of ensuring that data loss does not lead to adverse effects is to have data back ups. When travelers carry files with sensitive information as they travel, they should create back u ps of the same files and store them in different places. In case of loss or theft, the back ups can be used to retrieve crucial information.Advertising Looking for essay on aviation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, cloud data services may be of great use to travelers. Different companies offer free services such as Dropbox and Google Drive among others that can benefit travelers (Newman 3). Although cloud service may not be the most appropriate method of storing confidential information, it is convenient when storing documents used frequently. They are also not restricted in terms of access and can be accessed from different places via the internet. Travel tech security is important in Information Systems Profession because data security is paramount in the profession. Works Cited Mickaiel, Irene. 2012. Travel tech security tips. 2012. Web. Newman, Jared. 2012. Microsoft to build its own Windows Phone, reports say . 2012. Web. This essay on Travel Tech Security was written and submitted by user Mohamed Noble to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Islam And Christianity Essays - Religion, Prophets Of Islam

Islam And Christianity Essays - Religion, Prophets Of Islam Islam And Christianity Although Islam is less known than Christianity, it is the fastest growing religion in the in our country today. Islam is actually derived form Christianity. History books indicate that one night in the year 610, the first of many revelations came to Muhammad from God by way of the angel Gabriel. The message Muhammad received told him that there was but one God, not many gods, as most Arabs believed. This God was creator of the world, and He would one-day judge mankind. The word Islam means surrender or submission, submission to the will of Allah, the one God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic creed of Islam is brief: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Islam teaches that there is one God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. This God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Because He is compassionate, He calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him. Because He is also just, on the Last Day He will judge every person according to his deeds. On the Last Day, all the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. The life of each Muslim is always within the community of the faithful, all are declared to be brothers to each other, with he mission to enjoin good and forbid evil. Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early Islamic com munity, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. The object of jihad was to gain political control over societies and run them in accordance with the principles of Islam. During the decades following the death of Muhammad certain essential principles were singled out from his teachings to serve as anchoring points for the Islamic community. These have come to be called the five pillars of Islam. After the sudden death of Mohammed in 632, Caliph Abu Bakr ordered one of the prophets companions to collect, from oral and written sources, all of Mohammeds utterances. They were written in the Quran which is basically the Muslim Bible. The Quran is the written version of the teachings that Mohammed preached while he was alive. A second source of guidance for most Muslims is al-Hadith (Tradition), a vast body of transmitted stories of what the Prophet said or did or what was said or done in his presence and therefore approved by him It was Muhammad's contention that Christianity had departed from belief in God's message as revealed in their Scriptures. God had sent many prophets, among them Abraham, who is considered the founder of the faith for Islam, as he is also for and Christianity. The Koran, using sources in the older Scriptures and later traditions, relates the stories of Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus. After Muhammad's death in AD 632, it was feared that the content of the revelations might be lost, as those who had originally memorized it died. It was therefore decided to collect all the revelations, from what ever source, and make a compilation. Christianity and Islam are two of the most significant religions since their creation. Islam means submission in Arabic, and a Muslim is one who submits to the will of God. Christians were called so because of Jesus title Christos, which is Greek for Messiah. Both religions are very similar with only some of the beliefs and teachings b eing different. They also give separate messages to outsiders as to what their religions stand for. Both religions are monotheistic with a holy text and they both strive to conquer evil. Islam has a set of rules (5 Pillars of Islam) set forth to reach enlightenment while Christians basically just sin, repent, and then are forgiven for their sins. Christianity is a much easier religion to belong to because it is a lot more lenient to what you can and cannot do as well as when and where you can do it. Islam is also more closed doors because the do not really send out missionaries looking

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Should I Go to a Rural, Urban, or Suburban College

Should I Go to a Rural, Urban, or Suburban College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The location of a school can have a big impact on your experience as a student. It’s important to be aware of your preferences and make sure you choose a college that lines up with what will make you happiest. In this article, I’ll give you some details on the characteristics of rural, urban, and suburban college environments so that you can decide which one sounds like the best fit for you. What Is a Rural College Environment Like? Rural colleges are colleges that are located in the country, often with access to wilderness areas and farms. Generally, a college is considered rural if its campus is in a town with a population of less than 25,000 people.These schools can provide great outdoor learning opportunities in fields like environmental science and agriculture. I attendedDartmouth College, which I would consider a rural schoolgivenits remote location in the small town of Hanover, NH. While there, I took a class called â€Å"Food and Power.† We got to go on a field trip to the organic farm that’s associated with the college and eat some delicious fresh asparagus. (Seriously, I didn’t know it was possible for asparagus to taste that good.)Students also had the opportunity to work on the farm and learn more about how food was grown, an experience that wouldn't be accessible in a city environment. Usually at rural colleges there will still be a small town of some kind nearby so you can buy basic necessities that aren’t available on campus.Rural colleges tend to be far from any major city centers, although some do provide busing for students to cities that are within a reasonable distance (e.g. a couple of hours away).Rural college campuses are often very self-contained, meaning that not many students will live off campus because there aren’t enough options! Most events will happen on campus since there are very few opportunities to go out to clubs or shows off-campus.For this reason, rural colleges will often bring free concerts and performances to their students.These can be pretty cool, and this state of affairsalso means that you’ll spend a lot less money on going out with your friends.The scenery and activities available can vary immensely depending on where a rural college is located. Some are near mountains with great skiing and hiking and some might be near lakes or nice biking trails. Examples of rural colleges include: Middlebury College Bucknell University Carleton College Bucknell University in either the spring or fall. I can't tell which it is. All I know is that those trees are showing a LOT of branch. Is a Rural College the Right Choice for You? Rural colleges are great for students who love the outdoors and want to be a part of a tight-knit community.If you prefer to go for a hike or hang out with your friends in a quieter setting rather than spend a night out on the town, a rural college may be right up your alley.Rural colleges are ideal for those who prefer a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where they will mainly be interacting with other college students.If the idea of living on campus for most or all of your time in college and sticking to the same few reliable options for entertainment and food doesn’t bother you, then you’ll probably like the atmosphere at a rural college. One drawback of this type of environment is that there might not be as many job or internship opportunities available in the immediate vicinity.However, this can also leave you more open to the possibility of traveling somewhere new and exciting for a summer internship or job rather than sticking around in the same area. Rural colleges will do their best to provide on-campus job opportunities for students who are interested. Another thing to keep in mind is the transportation situation at rural colleges. If you don't have a car, it's going to be difficult for you to get off campus. This can feel a little bit claustrophobic at times. Many schools do provide busing or access to local transportation systems, but it's much less convenient to get around without a car at a rural college. If you don't have a car, you will probably end up knowing someone with a car, though; it's typically not a huge issue unless you're set on driving home every weekend. What Is an Urban College Environment Like? Urban colleges are located in large cities (typically with populations of 200,000 or more).The layouts of urban college campuses can vary immensely; some are more self-contained in their own little bubbles, and some are spread throughout the city.If a campus is more spread out, the college often offers specialized public transportation shuttles for students or will provide students with passes to use on the city’s public transportationsystems.Urban college campuses are extremely variable depending on the city and neighborhood where they are located, so you'll need to visit the school and do some research before making too many assumptions about what the environment is actually like. In many cases, urban campuses will offer off-campus learning opportunities in the form of internships and classes that allow students to interact with the surrounding community.Since urban campuses have such a close proximity to so many company headquarters and job opportunities, they can be great places to start your internship search and get your foot in the door career-wise. Urban colleges will provide you with access to many off-campus entertainment options including museums, bars, clubs, concerts, movies, plays, and more.They also tend to attract a more diverse student body. Examples of urban colleges include: New York University Northeastern University UCLA The Northeastern University campus. Dat landscaping. Is an Urban College the Right Choice for You? If you’re all about being in an exciting setting with lots of events and diverse people, an urban college might be the place for you. Since students from a variety of different backgrounds tend to be drawn to schools in big cities, urban colleges usually have a less homogeneous student body than rural colleges.Urban colleges are good environments for outgoing students who like to explore and interact with all different types of people and cultures.There will always be something going on in the surrounding city, and you’ll be able to access pretty much any activity that interests you because of the breadth of experiences available.It’s likely that there will also be other college campuses nearby, so you might have more opportunities to meet and interact with students from other colleges. Overall, it's much easier to get around at urban colleges because you'll usually have access to a robust public transportation system. People will be able to visit you even if they don't have cars because of your central location. If you do have a car, you may run into some issues at an urban college because cars often become largely unnecessary, and it can be expensive to park. If you’re hoping to live off campus and get more of a taste of adult life in college, an urban college might be a good choice.You’ll have tons of choices for where you want to live as an upperclassman. Keep in mind, however, that you couldstill run into cost issues, especially in larger cities (looking at you, New York). High housing pricescan limit your choices and make dorm life a more realistic option.At an urban college, you also won’t be stuck with the school’s dining options or the limited number of restaurants that might be available at a college in a small town. If there’s a certain city that is a hot spot for a career field that interests you, you might consider attending an urban college in the area to do some networking. It's easier to make connections when you can meet up with potential employers face to face. What Is a Suburban College Environment Like? A suburban college is a college that’s located somewhere between the rural and urban college environment.These colleges may be in small cities, large towns, or residential areas near large cities with populations that number between 25,000 and 200,000.Suburban colleges will offer some of the qualities of both urban and rural schools depending on their proximity to cities and the layout of their campuses. Suburban college campuses tend to be self-contained like rural colleges, fostering a sense of community amongst students.However, students at suburban colleges will have more options for activities off campus in the surrounding area.Suburban campuses often provide students with access to both outdoor activities similar to those found at rural colleges and urban entertainment options such as the museums, concerts, and clubs mentioned above. In many cases, suburban colleges have strong ties to the towns in which they are located, meaning student discounts at local venues as well as more job and internship opportunities. Local transportation is often provided to students for easy access to activities in the area, but it may be less directly accessible than at urban schools. It can be useful to have a car at a suburban college, but it's usually not necessary for getting off campus. Examples of suburban colleges include: Pomona College University of Virginia Tufts University Pomona College, where you can't be sad unless you don't ever look outside. Is a Suburban College the Right Choice for You? If different aspects of both rural and urban colleges appeal to you, then the suburban college life might be a good fit.You may like being in the city to a certain degree, but you want to be able to get away that atmosphere sometimes and enjoy nature.Suburban colleges will give you many choices for how you want to spend your time outside of class. If you want to get off campus you can, but you can also choose to stay within the college bubble if that’s what makes you feel more comfortable.Depending on location, suburban colleges may offer more access to off-campus housing options for students.If you’re interested in living off-campus without being in the middle of a big, intimidating city, a suburban college could be a great choice. Conclusion Location and environment are very important factors to consider when choosing a college.Depending on your personality, you might be happier at a rural, urban, or suburban school.Rural campuses are great for students who want to experience the outdoors far from the hustle and bustle of city life and be a part of a very independent college community.Urban campuses might be a better fit for students who love to go out on the town, experience a wide variety of cultural events, and meet lots of new people outside of those who attend their same school.Suburban campuses present a mixture of both environments; if aspects of both rural and suburban colleges appeal to you, a suburban college might be the way to go. Remember that this is just one factor that you should think about in your college search!Read my guide on how to choose a college to help you start brainstorming your preferences and researching schools. What's Next? You've probably heard of safety schools and reach schools, but how should you go about choosing them for yourself? Read more about how to decide on the bestsafety schools and reach schools in these articles. Another important way that colleges are categorized is by their status as public or private institutions. Find out what each type of school offers and whether one might be a better fit for you. Going to a college that's far away from your hometown can be a tough transition, but it's a great experience for many students. Learn about the pros and cons of going to school out of state. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, February 14, 2020

Walker Evans photographs in the book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Essay

Walker Evans photographs in the book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men - Essay Example Most of Walker’s work were in the 1930s and were even incorporated in some of the documents of the Great Depression. However, these issues did not only concern the 1930s tribulations but also reflected on modern films, literature and traditional visual arts. Although this particular book is presented as documentary and true critics say that the pictures were somewhat posed for technical and aesthetic reasons. This has led to number of controversies over the truth of historical records (Kaja, 2008). Evans pictures are photographic, very direct and even appear to be literal. Perhaps the most remarkable picture in this book is the third, the picture of Mrs Gudger. It shows a woman with a beautifully bony face, thinning black hair, sunken or perhaps bitten-in mouth and sun-narrowed eyes. The face is a single concentrated phrase of suffering; you are bound to have an immediate outgoing impulse toward it, but this is at once hemmed in, at once made careful and respectful, by what the camera does. It is significant that, like all the pictures in the book, this is a portrait; it was "sat for" and "posed" and not only does the pose tell more than could be told by unconsciousness of the camera but the sitter gains in dignity when allowed to defend herself against the lens. The gaze of the woman returning our gaze checks our pity; and it is further checked by the cameras observance of the strands of jetty hair, of the sharp horizontals of eyebrows, eyes and mouth which are repeated in th e three parallel shadows of the clapboard wall behind, and by the cameras light emphasis on the early wrinkles and the puckered forehead, which are delicately repeated in the grain of the wood. And this is true of all of Evans pictures of the Gudger, Woods and Ricketts families. The entire hullaballoo about the photos; the rocking chair being moved, about the time on the clock, about the time the photos, about objects being added or removed is much fuss over

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Case Study - Essay Example For the general information from the Head Office a mail feedback form should be available on the system of the employee. Since the employees are not functioning from offices Instant Messages through virtual messengers can’t be used because simultaneous online presence of employees is impossible. The Daily Correspondence can be effectively handled through emails and single text message can be used to convey information to all the employees instantaneously. In case of inter personal communication with a personalised message on the mobile phone, to check email can help. Alternately, all employees can be asked to activate mobile phone message flash for every email received with help Internet service provider and mobile phone operating company. Another effective way to coordinate communication will be by asking all employees to check their emails at least thrice a day. This will ensure deliverance of routine correspondence and messages. Another alternate way is to flash a message o n the telephone asking the employees to check their emails for time sensitive information. Telephonic conversation should be used to convey bad news messages. The employee delivering the message can add a sobering influence in such a case. In case of some bad news or emergency messages, that relates to all the employees, email should be used and a simultaneous message to check emails can be delivered on the cell phones. ii) When most of the staff are telecommuters and operate largely from virtual offices, the cheapest, the fastest method, the most reliable and foolproof method of communication is through online Instant Messaging. The messenger of any commercial operator like AOL, Yahoo, or Google can be used. Alternately, a small and a specific web application can be developed that is installed on the telecommuter’s computer system. The moment, the computer is switched on, the telecommuter goes online. A buddy list on everybody’s messenger can be

Friday, January 24, 2020

Teenage Runaways :: Journalistic Essays

Teenage Runaways A news bulletin flashed across the television. Interrupting my favorite program, a news reporter announced, "Missing teenagers." The reporter went on to state that a group of young teenagers had been reported missing for the last twenty-four hours. It was later reported that the teenagers had run away, and they had left a note demanding more independence. The teenagers were from wealthier homes; therefore, the parents of the missing children could not understand the reason their children left home. The teenagers later stated, "We are almost grown; give us our space." Teenage runaways are becoming a problem in America. Each year, many teenagers run away from home because of troubles with discipline, communication, and attention. The first girl that the news reporter interviewed said, "The discipline in my house is out of control." The girl continued to give examples to back up her statement. She said that she couldn't be two minutes late for her curfew. She would be grounded a week for every minute she was late. There were to be no phone calls after 9:30 p.m. She couldn't talk to boys on the phone at all. If she was caught breaking the rules, she lost all of her telephone privileges. She had to have an adult with her at all times. Her last statement was, "I know my parents are doing all of this out of love, but give it a rest. Let me grow up!" The reporter asked another girl a few questions. The girl began the interview with the statement, "My parents do not understand me. I know they are trying, but give me a break. They want to talk to me all the time. Our communication is outrageous." The girl continued to tell the news reporter about the problem. She said that her mother wanted to know about everything going on in her life. Her mother wanted to talk about her sexual experiences; she wanted to know how it felt to be drunk, and her mom would ask her daughter to share her spiritual thoughts with her. "My mom wants to be my friend. I understand that, but some things are better left unsaid," the girl said in closing. The last teenager that the reporter talked to was a young boy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

As anger overpowered me

Despondency overpowered me when I learnt that my final annual assessment has been forwarded to higher management with a pessimistic note on my performance.When I investigated the matter to locate the factors responsible for such a poor appraisal of my performance, I learnt that my time management skills were badly reported.This changed my earlier feeling of despondency and dejection into anger as all the charges labeled against me were based on misconceived notion and falsehood. As anger overpowered me, all my mental faculties were subjugated to it. I use to cherish my behavioral competency of self-awareness[1] because I used to apply this competency to find remedies.But in that incident the feeling of anger was so powerful and pervasive that I even forgot this ability of mine. So, instead of locating an appropriate way to find out a proper solution to this dilemma, I started nurturing anger against my line-manager.But this period of anger was transitory as when I read the remarks of line manager and started contemplating on the issue, I came to realize that actually my first perception of time management was wrong. Previously I was of the view that time management included coming to office on time and completing the prescribed daily hours.This raised ecstasy in me to know more about the true meaning of time-management. My inquisitive and curious nature further motivated my ecstatic emotions. My reflections on this particular issue suggested that time management comprised of effective utilization of time according to the task and precedence.When I looked around on my other colleagues, a feeling of superiority crept down into my mind. The reason for this feeling of superiority was that how quickly learnt about my mistake and had utilized my learning and thinking capacity to learn new aspects of time-management within minutes.Second reason for this superior feeling was that unlike them, I did not retaliate at my line-manager with false accusation of prejudice. Al though I had that feeling in me but I further thought my ego will not permit me to acknowledge my mistake.I started thinking to pacify my egoistic emotion or to redirect them toward a positive direction. This helped me greatly as I thought a bad performance assessment will ruin the pride I take in my work and job.  So I forwarded an e-mail to my line-manager to forward an explanation on my performance assessment. I further asked to understand the proper context and situation. I received no reply from him. Anger again overpowered and I reverted back to my past emotions of anger and jealousy.I thought that he was consciously disregarding my e-mail. I called on his extension but he did not pick it up either ( I was later told by my lead-manager that he was busy.) This converted my anger into fury.But after half an hour I received a call from him for a meeting. This cheered me up again. I had meeting with during which there was I explained my position to him fully an addition to displ aying strong emotions. My justification bore fruit and he decided in favor of me.Later on an emotion of thankfulness overshadowed all the previous emotions and feelings and I felt myself obliged to my line-manager in true sense of the words. I never thought for a moment that I had hundred thousands of malicious feelings about this person just some hours ago. I was only an epitome of gratitude. When I reflect back now, I wonder how these paradoxical feelings existed at the same time.The last set of emotions was related to different aspects and intensity of happiness. I was happy over my success in making my line-manager recognizing strengths and ignore my weaknesses. I was happy over my recognition of true concept of time-management.I was completely overjoyed by the decision of line manager to forward an-email to chief executive about awarding me the exceptional rating.[1] Self-awareness is an understanding of your own emotions and ‘triggers’ and how they impact on your own behavior and/or the behavior of others.   It is also about understanding your own strengths and limitations.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Masculinity - 1025 Words

Masculinity A cowboy, the strong and silent â€Å"man’s man† is the iconic figure of masculinity. The same cowboy also has a certain fragileness. The perception of a man usually does not reveal the fragile side. However, Gretel Ehrlich reveals this underlying soft side of cowboys in About Men (1985), and Paul Theroux explains in Being a Man (1985) that the idea of manhood is pitiful because there is a fragile side to every man. Ehrlich talks about the rugged lifestyle of a cowboy. He paints this picture of a man who loves what he does. The long days of work with little payoff, the courage of acting spontaneously in the field, and the physical punishment is often underplayed. Most movies containing a cowboy role show a bold individual who†¦show more content†¦The article begins by saying, â€Å"Men arent obsessed with breasts, beer and ball games, new research claims† (HALF). Typically this describes the norms of manhood. But as it explains, times are ch anging. â€Å"Instead, they like and respect women - and nearly half would like to be one. Forty-six percent of men aged 18 to 35 questioned for a survey said if they could be born again; it would be as a woman† (HALF). It seems as though masculinity, or the idea of, isn’t as appealing as it used to be. The survey claimed men only behaved badly in stereotyped TV shows and advertisements. The publication used the information in a survey taken from Cosmopolitan magazine and states â€Å"There is a definite soft side to the 21st-century British male† (HALF). Masculinity is all about strength and toughness. But behind every man is a soft, tender side. For many years, and even still today there is a social standard for men to be manly. Rugged outdoor work and sports are commonly associated with masculinity, but behind the scenes nurturing and delicacy are just as much part of men as women. To some, the fact that I am writing this paper and I am a male would discredit my masculinity. However, that is not the case. Surveys are beginning to show that males are gaining more respect for females, which is allowing them to open up and reveal their own softer side. Just because a man doesn’t play a sport doesn’t mean he isn’t masculine. Genetics determine male or female. Manliness isShow MoreRelatedMasculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity1850 Words   |  8 Pagesin which femininity and masculinity play a role in society. At the end of World War II, there were many interpretations on what it meant to be a man† most no tably for soldiers returning home from the war whom were either unemployed, handicap and/or suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Film and television acted as pivotal agents that influenced a change in the way masculinity was defined. They explored social values as they refer to the ideas of masculinity and femininity by reflectingRead MoreMasculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity851 Words   |  4 Pages Masculinity At its Manliest In both Douglas Schrock and Michael Schwalbe’s Men, Masculinity, and Manhood Acts and Sharon Bird’s Welcome to the Mens’s Club, we see compelling arguments for the treatments on the categories of â€Å"masculinity.† By comparing both articles, the significant similarities and differences between the two variations can be identified. In doing so, the function of â€Å"masculinity† in society, according to each author, can also beRead MoreMasculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity Essay1623 Words   |  7 Pagesbe a shot to his manhood. To most men and boys in western society, masculinity is what separate the men from the women and the boys from the girls. However, what is masculinity and why do most men and boys’ try so hard to guard theirs? My understanding of masculinity, and as technically defined, is having customary qualities attributed to or usually applicable to a male. My position is that society encourages hegemonic masculinity thu s forming basis for males to exhibit traditional masculine qualitiesRead MoreHegemonic Masculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity926 Words   |  4 PagesMultiple Masculinities The certain qualities a man processes plays into how masculine he is rated to be. The way he portrays himself in his looks, actions and everyday life paints a bigger picture for the type of male he is. Connell argues that hegemonic masculinity is the ultimate goal that men strive for. Hegemonic masculinity is the idea of men being powerful, strong and dominant. Not many people actually live up to this theory, but nearly all men strive to achieve it. Marginalized masculinity andRead MoreMasculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity1769 Words   |  8 Pages Masculinity There are different ways for men become masculine, people can teach them or let them figure it out when growing up. Masculinity is usually described as being strong, manly, or dominate. It is also used when someone is describing men and how masculine they are. Many people use the word â€Å"masculine† to describe a man and put them into a category if they see that he fits. Many people believe that boys should not be brought up by punishing them if they did not do something masculine. TheyRead MoreMasculinity : Masculinity And Violence Essay2278 Words   |  10 PagesMasculinity and violence Violence is a mechanism of coercive control that is used to maintain and reinforce gender difference and hierarchy. Building on Lynch s (2009) claim that hegemonic masculinity is toxic to both the men and women left in its wake this essay aims to explore the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and violence. Placing a specific focus on acts of intimate partner violence and mass shootings, and exploring the works of Lynch (2009), Keith (2011), Baugher, GazmararianRead MoreHegemonic Masculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity1092 Words   |  5 Pages‘hegemonic masculinity’ and ‘the field of masculinity’ depicted in this film. ‘Hegemonic masculinity’, which is proposed by Connell (1987), is assumed to ‘the pattern of practice (i.e., things done, not just a set of role expectations or an identity) that allowed men’s dominance over women to continue.’ (Connell and Messerschmidt 2005, p.832) However, hegemonic masculinity h as strong influence not only over women, but also over other men as Demetriou (2001, p.341) states. Hegemonic masculinity dominatesRead MoreMasculinity And Masculinity, By Michael Kimmel Essay1976 Words   |  8 Pagesmen are often subject to extreme methods of proving their masculinity, and to reinforce what it truly means to be a man. Michael Kimmel, famous sociologist said, â€Å"Masculinity is the relentless repudiation of the feminine† (Kimmel, 2015), which not only reflects how men think about themselves but how North Americans as an entire culture think about masculinity and manhood. The following pages will be centered on issues of the lens of masculinity in contexts such as the sphere of education, the predominanceRead MoreToxic Masculinity : Substance Masculinity1921 Words   |  8 PagesAs a boy grows into a man he faces the ever-raising mountain of masculinity. In regards to the occurrence, he finally reaches maturity he has no choice but in order to fight to re tain his measly sense of manhood. He is not allowed to act feminine or else he’s not man enough, he can’t show his emotions, he has to hide that he can do anything a woman can do sans give birth. Boys grow up being told they are not allowed to cry and that they are supposed to be tough, that they are not able to be likeRead MoreHegemonic Masculinity : Masculinity And Masculinity2351 Words   |  10 PagesWhat is hegemonic masculinity? What are the merits and shortcomings of this concept? In Connell’s original conception, hegemonic masculinity can be understood as ‘the pattern of practice that allowed men’s dominance over women’ (1987). Hegemonic masculinity is the exclusive masculinity of which only a few exhibit. The majority of men in fact experience complicit masculinity, allowing them to dominate in the patriarchal system in which it created. Connell (1987) believed it was this that created